Ensto in Brief

Ensto is an international, growth-oriented family business and technology company, which creates sustainable solutions for electricity distribution. For over 65 years, we have been dedicated to electricity with a long-term and human-centric approach. Our aim is to be a trusted partner for our customers and help them succeed and create a more sustainable tomorrow.

We offer innovative and reliable, long-lifecycle line accessories, distribution and protection automation and control solutions as well as substations for electricity systems. Our own R&D, manufacturing, and laboratories give us the expertise to continually innovate and serve our customers on an individual level.

Currently, Ensto has a total of 800 employees in 14 countries in Europe, North America, and Asia. Our turnover in 2023 was €182 M. We are bound by our common purpose: making life better with electricity. Sustainably.​

Millega me tegeleme

Me tegutseme neljas toodete ja lahenduste valdkonnas: õhuliinivõrgud, maakaablivõrgud, elektrienergia kvaliteet ja rikkekindlad jaotusvõrgud ning võrgu automatiseerimisseadmed. Lisaks otsime uusi nutikaid lahendusi et tagada võrguvaldajatele turvalisus, töökindlus, kvaliteet ja ennetav hooldus.

Kus me asume

Me oleme rahvusvaheline pereettevõte, olles tütarettevõtetega esindatud 18 riigis. Müüme oma tooteid rohkem kui 90 riigis ja see number suureneb pidevalt. Me oleme tuntud koostööpartner, kes suudab tagada usaldusväärsuse, kohanemisvõime tuleviku suhtes ja madalad toodete elutsükli kulud elektrijaotusvõrkudele

Me töötame välja ja testime

Me loome parema ühiskonna suurendades energiatõhusust ja keskendudes jätkusuutlikule arengule. Meie R&D osakond töötab välja, testib ja teeb lõppvaliku komponentide ning materjalide osas, et tagada oma toodete vastupidavus, kõrge kvaliteet ja pikk eluiga. Meie tootearendus juhindub standardiseeritud tüüptestidest, mis viiakse enamjaolt läbi meie omas rahvusvaheliselt tunnustatud akrediteeringut omavas laboris Porvoos, Soomes

Me toodame

Oleme Enstos määratlenud maailmatasemel tootmise parendades pidevalt kvaliteeti, efektiivsust, tarnevõimekust ja paindlikust. Heitke pilk peale meie tehastele.


Ensto's values describe what we stand for what we expect of others. Our values are what we know to be true, what underlie everything that takes place in our organization; they define how we work, and how we work defines how we are seen externally.

Meie missioon

Ensto's strategy is reflected in the Ensto mission: “Better life. With electricity.” It emphasizes the impact the electricity has on people's life. It also highlights Ensto’s wish to be present in the everyday life be it at homes, in working environments, traffic or at leisure time activities. We believe in a better life with electricity and a more sustainable tomorrow.

Our people are at the heart of our success


Ensto is an international tech company creating smart solutions for electricity distribution networks. But we also do so much more. We want to build the world’s best connections, and help our people feel more connected with their work, each other, and the environment.

We build our business on people and our values, on a long-term basis. At Ensto, we regard our employees as our greatest strength, and we would not exist without them. We want to build a strong company culture with engaged people.

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Ensto is an international family business and a technology company founded by Ensio Miettinen in 1958. Today, the ownership has been transferred to the second and third generation of the family, introducing Ensio’s seven grandchildren.

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Management Team

Ensto's Management Team consists of nine members, who are all professionals in their own field.

Board of Directors

We have top experts from different business fields in Ensto's Board of Directors.

Ensto tehased

Our culture of continuous improvement is based on sustainable, effective and efficient manufacturing. We are constantly striving for world-class manufacturing in our factories. We focus on efficient and agile delivery capability and keep our promises to customer.

Get to know Ensto's Operations and plants


Read how the story of Ensto started 65 years ago, and how we have evolved during Ensto’s long journey, from when Ensio Miettinen first founded the company until this day.