Revealing the Secrets of Electrification

Since 2018 I am happy to work at Renley, and since December 2020 at Ensto Renley. I am a Palestinian who grew up in Saudi-Arabia and after finishing the school moved to Ireland in 2014. What I like about Ireland is the peacefulness, good quality of education and the English language. My mother tongue is Arabic so when I came to Ireland, I immediately started improving my English skills.

Internship As the Signpost to Renley

My mechanical engineering studies included a 6-month internship and in 2018 I applied to Renley for that. I must say that even if my target was just to explore work life the whole experience turned out to be great; especially the team was amazing, and I got super good support from the colleagues. After the internship period I offered to do a project for the company, and they accepted it. In a nutshell the aim was to find ways to minimize the use of paper and take those ways in use. The project was successful as today, everyone is using iPads and other digital equipment instead of paper. Along with the sustainability aspects there are also other benefits of the digital data: it is easy to update, track, and use in decision making.

Enjoying the Variety of Tasks

After graduation I was offered a post as engineer and now it was my turn to accept the offer. The first two years were full of learning: I was helping in social media communications and worked on various issues within quality and design functions. Today my title is Quality and Design Engineer, and my tasks cover mechanical product design, maintaining the product data, and supporting the ISO 9001 and 14001 quality processes, just to mention some.

Fascinating Electricity Distribution

When I joined Renley, I wanted to experience what a proper workplace is like. Then I started to learn about and gradually understand electricity distribution – and got fascinated. I had always been wondering what is inside those panel board cabinets near the houses and now I found out. Revealing that kind of secrets is very exciting! It has been super motivating to learn to understand how everything works, it is like everyday magic. The electricity and the whole electrification industry felt more and more interesting, inspiring, and fun.

Two Foundations to Expertise

There are two entities that have taught me the most, making me the professional I am today. The first one is designing our low voltage products with SolidWorks. We show the prototype to a customer and then modify the product according to their needs. The second thing is the quality management system. It is a major process that we do on a yearly basis including a huge number of various issues. Basically, it covers the whole company from A to Z and it has taught me to understand how it all works. I have especially enjoyed interacting with the management and other interest groups.

Finding New Solutions Is Motivating

We have recently been working on smart fuse carriers thanks to which distribution network faults of all kinds can be located accurately. The customer is happy with our prototype, and we are expecting an order. In addition, our main customer approached us to find a solution for restraining a cabinet door from moving. We designed new door holders to two different cabinets and equipped them with metal screws enabling the door to open 90 degrees or 180 degrees. It is very motivating to be able to find solutions for customer problems. We do a lot of customization for our customers, who have specific needs and special requirements and we want to fulfill their needs as well as we can.

Ibrahim Darwish

The writer of this blog works as Quality and Design Engineer at Ensto Renley in Ireland.