EV charging: opportunities of SMART chargers and dumb dangers of today and tomorrow

Why legislatives like smart EV charging solutions

Us EV pioneers, we live in the world which has two parts. First is the one most visible to us. The charging network that loads our cars. But the second allows the first and our modern society to exist in the first place. And that is our energy grid, which has to be healthy, so EV revolution may progress and greenhouse gas emissions can be cut.


So: “in Grid we trust”.


This is why our legislatives give it special attention and want to nurture it with SMART EV charging solutions.


The SMART grid protection squad: legislatives, you and us

Even so, that grid enables the whole EV revolution to evolve, we have our limitations with it. Yes, it is not omnipotent, but rather humanlike. Our grid has the potential to be damaged when too much (electricity) is demanded from it at once. I guess you understand what I mean, people too can get overloaded… and situations like this could possibly lead to blackouts. And it’s the same with our grid too.


That is what SMART EV charging solutions aims to end by creating a communication line between the grid and charger. It enables them to talk with each other, so the thousands of grid-connected EV chargers won’t suck it empty leaving the lifeline of society and EVs damaged.


That is something the legislatives too understand, which is why they are working on a tariff: an incentive – penalty system to keep us on the right track to head for extensive EV adoption safely.


Carrot and stick approach from legislatives: the incentive - penalty system

Then what is this system about? Let’s see.


The incentive: The carrot here, is actually created by markets. You see, the mentioned risk of grid blackouts can be greatly reduced by connecting EVs to grid (V2G) and make them operate as battery packs. This way, they can supplying electricity back to the grid on peak demand times. Now, we have the option to sell the low-cost energy we earlier charged from the grid, with more than we paid for, and charge our car when the energy fees are low again.


In short: we earn by owning an EV and SMART charger.



The incentive - penalty system for SMART EV charging solutions illustrated.


However, we aren’t there just yet, but the charging equipment and EVs are evolving every day to get ready for their responsibility.


The penalty: The stick in protecting our grid is the fining system created by multiple governments around the globe. As we discussed, the grid doesn’t enjoy blacking out any more than us humans do, as this can permanently damage it. That’s why legislatives are setting up systems where they cover the cost of grid damage by charging it from the actor responsible for the overload.


The SMART EV charging solution: get your carrot and dodge the stick

Here is the good news for you! The afore mentioned incentive – penalty structure leads to one conclusion: that a SMART EV charging solution is superior when compared to the dumb alternatives. It helps you get the carrot and dodge the stick, when you become a part of the grid protection shield that solves our common problem of blackouts.


And being part of the solution sets your table with the following rewards:

  • Earn with V2G connection supporting our grid (in the future)
  • Reduced charging costs = Charge EVs when electricity is cheap
  • SMART charger owner has full 100 % control over its operations
  • Remote management that reduces the need for employees
  • No overload fines


Then, how you can move forward and get on board with us? I suggest, you see, what is your need for EV charging and tap into it. In workplace and at home, adopting EV charging is quite straightforward, as having an EV or employee owning one makes this attractive in of itself.


In the case you are running a fleet, a CPO or would like to attract new EV driving customers to your brick and mortar business, then you can start with this guide that gives you 3 easy to adopt EV charging business models.

Want to learn what are the three typical strategies for ev charging for retail? Get your free guide:
