2000s – International Family Business Continues Strong

Ownership of the company transferred to the 2nd generation. Ensto invests in office electrification in France and ventilation in Finland.

Three Business Units

 In 2004 Ensto was divided to three separate business areas: Ensto Building Technology, Ensto Utility Networks and Ensto Enclosures and Components.

Next Generation of Owners

The year 2001 saw some things come to an end and many others begin at Ensto. Ensio Miettinen transferred all the authority and responsibility of ownership to the next generation.

Changes in the Management

During the 2000s, the company experienced significant management changes. Seppo Martikainen led the company as the Managing Director from 2001 to 2005, followed by Jukka Koskinen from 2006 to 2008. Timo Luukkainen took over in 2009 and led the company through a period of growth and innovation.


Acquisitions and Divestments 

Presence in France and Spain became stronger with the help of a new acquisition. Companies were founded in Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Lithuania and Germany and new production plants opened in Poland and Russia.

50 Years of Excellent Customer Care 

In 2008, Ensto celebrated its 50th anniversary with the theme Ensto Performance 50+. The last quarter of 2008 was also a year of a sudden economic downturn.

Aqcuisitions Emphasize Energy Efficiency 

In 2009, Ensto sold its share of electric installation equipment and accessory manufacturer Ensto Busch-Jaeger to power and automation technology provider ABB, with whom Ensto had a joint venture since the year 1980.

Later that year, Ensto strengthened its capabilities in plastic compression by acquiring Estonian-based Imco, and later in energy efficiency by acquiring Porvoo-based ventilation and heat recovery equipment manufacturer Enervent, who's CEO Timo Luukkainen became Ensto's CEO. With this, a new era of energy efficiency and sustainability began. The company's new customer promise, "Ensto Saves Your Energy" was launched.