We test our products beyond industry standards, giving customers safer products faster to market – something many others can't offer.
Extensive testing secures that the products are durable, high-quality and long-lasting. In addition to reliability and high quality, own testing ensures a faster product development cycle to get our products to market more quickly.
Line and Cable Accessories
In Porvoo, Finland, we have our own ILAC-accredited in-house laboratory (EN ISO/IEC 17025), where we test our underground cable accessories. The tests include aging, short-circuit, tensile, high-voltage, PD measurements, climate, corrosion, and impact.
Other line accessory products also go through various tests during their manufacturing process to ensure that their are of high quality before delivered to customers.
Distribution Automation
Our distribution automation products are made and tested in Villefranche-sur-Saône and Bagnères de Bigorre, France.
The substations are made and tested at Ensto Maviko's factory in Vaasa, Finland, before they are delivered to the customer. In primary substation projects, commissioning testing is done on-site.